In a never ending saga to the climate disclosure rules, on March 15, the Fifth Circuit temporarily stayed the recently adopted climate change disclosure rules. Continue Reading Update on SEC Climate Change Rules
Eric Knox
Working with both national and local companies in the REIT, healthcare, food and hospitality and entertainment sectors, Eric Knox routinely counsels public and private companies on a variety of corporate and securities issues.
SEC Adopts Amendments to Modernize Beneficial Ownership Reporting
On October 18, 2023, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) adopted amendments to the rules governing beneficial ownership reporting to “require market participants to provide more timely information on their positions to meet the needs of investors in today’s financial markets.”Continue Reading SEC Adopts Amendments to Modernize Beneficial Ownership Reporting
SEC Stays Repurchase Disclosure Rules and the Fifth Circuit Denies SEC’s Motion for Additional Time to Cure Rule Defects
On November 22, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) stayed the recently enacted Share Repurchase Disclosure Modernization Rule (Repurchase Disclosure Rule) pursuant to section 705 of the Administrative Procedure Act and the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Firth Circuit’s (Fifth Circuit) October 31, 2023 opinion providing the SEC 30 days to correct defects in the Repurchase Disclosure Rule. For an overview of the Fifth Circuit’s October 31 opinion, please refer to our earlier blog post: Fifth Circuit Requires SEC to Revisit Share Repurchase Disclosure Rules.Continue Reading SEC Stays Repurchase Disclosure Rules and the Fifth Circuit Denies SEC’s Motion for Additional Time to Cure Rule Defects
California GHG Emission Website Disclosure Legislation to Take Effect on January 1, 2024
Recently, the State of California enacted Assembly Bill 1305: the Voluntary Carbon Market Disclosures Act (AB 1305), which requires companies, under certain circumstances, to make website disclosures of certain information about their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and emissions-reduction programs. Continue Reading California GHG Emission Website Disclosure Legislation to Take Effect on January 1, 2024
Fifth Circuit Requires SEC to Revisit Share Repurchase Disclosure Rules
On October 31, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit (Fifth Circuit) issued an opinion finding that the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) violated the Administration Procedure Act when adopting recent amendments to its share repurchase rules (as amended, the Rule). Rather than vacate the Rule, the Fifth Circuit provided the SEC with 30 days to correct the errors identified by the Fifth Circuit.Continue Reading Fifth Circuit Requires SEC to Revisit Share Repurchase Disclosure Rules
SEC Adopts Cybersecurity Disclosure Rules
On July 26, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), by a 3-2 vote, adopted final rules intended to enhance public companies’ disclosures regarding (1) cybersecurity incidents through a new required current report item under Form 8-K and (2) cybersecurity risk management and governance in annual reports on Form 10-K through a new item under Regulation S-K. Continue Reading SEC Adopts Cybersecurity Disclosure Rules
A Summary of Certain Proxy Advisory Firm and Institutional Investor Board Diversity Policies
Institutional investors and proxy advisory firms continue developing and refining their policies regarding board diversity. While gender diversity on public company boards has been in focus for some time now, institutional investors and proxy advisory firms are also increasingly focusing on racial and ethnic diversity as part of their evolving approach to board diversity.
This post summarizes published board diversity policies of several institutional investors and proxy advisory firms into a singular resource for ease of reference. Below the initial breakdown is a description of specific policies concerning board diversity shareholder proposals. Continue Reading A Summary of Certain Proxy Advisory Firm and Institutional Investor Board Diversity Policies
SEC Staff Significantly Changes Guidance on Shareholder Proposals and Rescinds Prior Guidance
On November 3, Chairman Gary Gensler announced that the Staff (Staff) of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Division of Corporation Finance released SLB 14L (“new guidance”) regarding shareholder proposals.
The new guidance significantly changes the Staff’s approach when determining whether a shareholder proposal may be properly excluded from a company’s proxy statement. The new guidance rescinds SLBs 14I, 14J, and 14K (Rescinded SLBs), as well as any provisions of other prior Staff guidance that could be considered as inconsistent with the new guidance. A few of these changes are highlighted below.
Significant Social Policy Exception
The new guidance significantly impacts Rule 14a-8(i)(7), commonly referred to as the “ordinary business exception.” This substantive basis for exclusion permits a company to exclude a proposal that “deals with a matter relating to the company’s ordinary business operations.” Under the new guidance, the Staff will realign its approach for determining whether a proposal relates to “ordinary business” with the standard the SEC initially set forth in 1976, which provided an exception for certain proposals that raise significant social policy issues.
According to the new guidance, the Staff believes that an “undue emphasis was placed on evaluating the significance of a policy issue to a particular company at the expense of whether the proposal focuses on a significant social policy.”Continue Reading SEC Staff Significantly Changes Guidance on Shareholder Proposals and Rescinds Prior Guidance
SEC Reduces Registration Filing Fee Effective October 1, 2021
On August 23, the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) announced that effective October 1, 2021, the fees that public companies and other issuers pay to register their securities with the SEC will be set at $92.70 per million dollars of the proposed maximum aggregate offering price of the securities to be registered, a 15% reduction…
A Summary of Certain Proxy Advisory Firm and Institutional Investor Board Diversity Policies
Institutional investors and proxy advisory firms continue to develop and refine their policies regarding board diversity. While gender diversity on public company boards has been in focus for some time now, institutional investors and proxy advisory firms are also increasingly focusing on racial and ethnic diversity as part of their evolving approach to board diversity.
This post is a summary of published board diversity policies of certain institutional investors and proxy advisory firms into a singular resource for ease of reference. Below the initial breakdown, certain policies concerning board diversity shareholder proposals are described. Continue Reading A Summary of Certain Proxy Advisory Firm and Institutional Investor Board Diversity Policies